Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This yellow Rhino!

I have this painting that I have shown to people, and I have it listed in my Etsy shop on the internet.
Everyone who sees it has an immediate reaction. They say they really like it. They say it's really cool, and it has been the most viewed item in my Etsy shop. BUT I still have it. I can't sell it for some reason. I feel like it is a great example of something in my life that is wonderful, but it just won't take flight. Don't we all have those things in our heads, or in our lives. Maybe you met the perfect guy, but it wasn't the right time for either of you. Or you had this great idea for some little invention and then you see if on tv. For me, I remember as a kid thinking how cool it would be if there were wheels in the bottom of tennis shoes.
I wonder how rich those people are now.
So take a look at my painting, tell me what you think. And if you are really it. It would look great on your wall.

1 comment:

  1. Love it it looks amazing! Will visit your shop now!
    Nice to find another Etsy shop owner! This is my shop!
